Short square dusty rose manicure with accent nail

Can You Use Normal Acrylic Powder for Dip Nails?

Having a stunning manicure can be a game-changer in your self-confidence levels. When your nails look great, you feel like you’re ready to take on anything. Acrylic and dip powder are both ways to up your mani game… but can you use acrylic powder for dip nails?
Fairy Glamor
doing nails without activator

Can You Do Dip Nails Without Activator?

Dip nails are a fun and unique way to upgrade your standard manicure from boring, messy, and easily chipped nail polish. There are hundreds of colors and finishes to choose from, and the process is pretty straightforward for each of them. However, there are a few steps for application--mainly, activator--that tends to confuse new users.
Sydney Howe
do you need a UV light for dip powder nails

Do You Need a UV Light for Dip Powder?

Dip nails can be a fun and easy way to DIY-ing a long-lasting at-home manicure. For those who have never attempted dip nails before, don’t worry!
Sydney Howe
how to get smooth acrylic nails

How to Get Smooth Acrylic Nails

At-home acrylic nails can be a lot of fun to mess around with and experiment with different techniques, colors, lengths, etc. However, a common problem with people that do DIY acrylic nails (or even in people that go to the salon and have an inexperienced nail tech) is ending up with bumpy, uneven acrylic, which is not only unsightly but is also structurally unsound, as the nail can chip or break due to acrylic is thicker in some places than others. If your acrylic breaks way down near your natural nail, you might even break your natural nail… let us tell you, it HURTS.
Sydney Howe
Tagged: help question
shiny and glossy acrylic nails

How to Make Your Acrylic Nails Shiny and Glossy

Glossy acrylic nails have been gaining popularity throughout the decades, and for good reason! Acrylic is a simple (ish) way to lengthen, thicken, and color your nails. 
Sydney Howe
Tagged: help question
Is Dip Powder the Same as Acrylic Powder? | Fairy Glamor-Fairy Glamor

Is Dip Powder the Same as Acrylic Powder? | Fairy Glamor

Dip and acrylic powders are typically formulated from an ingredient called acrylic ester polymers. While they are made up of similar ingredients, they have different formulations that make their applications vary between companies and powders.
Fairy Glamor
Tagged: help
How to Apply Gel Polish over Dip Powder Nails-Fairy Glamor

How to Apply Gel Polish over Dip Powder Nails

Sometimes, you may want to cover a mistake or paint over your dip nails with gel polish or nail polish. You may choose to do this because acrylic powder lasts a lot longer than gel, and you want your color to last longer.
Fairy Glow
Tagged: help question